The Rise of Soccer: Origins, Influence, Rules, Birth


Soccer is a game which is now in times played with 2 teams of 11 players. The game has existed from a long time to which as time went on the game has changed in its own ways. The soccer worlds has a large amount of fan base from all around the world. Soccer has evolutionized from the ancient times. The games is played all around the world with people playing it professionally. In this blog we will discuss various topics about soccer.

The Origins of Soccer:

The game of soccer can be tracked back in times to thousands of years. Which means it has been around for a long time. The games was played in various different countries with different variants. The most countries where in the past soccer was played are Rome, Greece and China. These countries played their soccer in their own ways. The rules of the soccer were then changed and became the game we know as of today.



Middle Times Influence:

Soccer was played mostly in Europe in the middle time also know as medieval times. The game was played with villages participating in the games. The games were sometimes rough but were played with the same unwavering sprit. The soccer in the middle time was know as  Mob Football. In the games they would play with their decided rules. The games were still played with all of the players in high sprit. It shows us that the game was still one of the most Enjoyed sports in the world.

Rules and Standardization:

The standardization of soccer rules was a crucial step in its evolution. In the mid-19th century, various schools and organizations began to establish consistent regulations. The most notable development came in 1863 when the Football Association (FA) was founded in England, laying down the groundwork for modern soccer rules and establishing the sport as we know it today.

The Birth of International Soccer:

As the time went on the sport got more and more popular in the regions later in the time the sports organized tournament were being held all around the world. These Competitions emerged in 1872 when people first started to do organized tournaments among different regions. The first International tournament that was held was in 1872 between Scotland and England. Which then later gave birth to different tournaments like The England Cup and The FA Cup. 

Strategic Innovations:

The Soccer world has seen a lot of changes in its tactics and strategies. The most latest people in which people saw the most tactical  plays are Messi and Ronaldo. These two players made an tremendous change in the tactical field of soccer. In the early times the players which were noted as great strategic were Herbert Chapman,  Rinus Michels and Arrigo Sachi. These players in the early times brought great tactical developments in the soccer Field.


Women Soccer:

The women soccer was later made where women showed their immense and played with professionality. They were later given their own leagues and tournaments to play in where they showcased their own talents. Which made the sports barrier less important in the sports world. 


What do you expect me to write here. Its not good to know that. I am a college student isn't that enough

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